Project Highlights

Collaborate with Chesapeake Bay states, stakeholders, and partners to advance watershed restoration, stormwater management, land stewardship, stakeholder engagement, and regional collaboration as a contracted Field Liaison with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Developed an expanded multi-municipal litter monitoring program working collaboratively with designers, including Millerdesignworks, to create and pilot a litter app for Schuylkill River Greenways to expand watershed-wide community engagement and stewardship.

Facilitated the formation of Eastern Delaware County Stormwater Collaborative for Southeast PA Resource Conservation and Development Council in collaboration with Delaware County Planning Department and Conservation District. (This multi-municipal collaborative is credited as the first in PA.)

Provided technical assistance to municipalities and property owners in collaboration with engineer-landscape design teams and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council leading to the installation of stormwater best management practices and green stormwater infrastructure improvements valued at over $2m. 

Created a stormwater pollution prevention program – Clean Water Partners – in collaboration with the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary and Philadelphia Water Department training stakeholders and enlisting participation and pledges from businesses, municipalities, and organizations across southeast PA.

Negotiated open space acquisitions, managed preserves, conducted fundraising, and coordinated volunteer work days for the Open Land Conservancy of Chester County.

Secured funding and grants valued in excess of $10m including from the William Penn Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, PA Land Trust Alliance, and PA Department of Environmental Protection Growing Greener to advance green stormwater infrastructure implementation and conservation.

Created, conducted and coordinated communications and community engagement and education initiatives working with diverse audiences including public, private and non-profit stakeholders. 

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